
finally, something you can touch

My relationship with screens has changed so much.

i often find it hard de-tangling what parts of that relationship are healthy or realistic and what parts are toxic behaviors and coping mechanisms i've adopted to help me conceptualize this thing called "technology" and its inescapable grip on my reality.

Post-COVID, i feel trapped in a world of screens,

stuck sitting in front of a screen for hours on end.

The whole time, all i want is a connection;

but when i’m on my own time,

 i just move over to another screen and stare some more.

I’d like to say that things were different before the pandemic, 

but i had already been mindlessly using them for a while

What’s Inside?

  • A tablet print mounted on distressed drywall panel with a number of back-panel designs.

  • 2 Transparent Vinyl Icon Stickers

  • Get started hanging or check the Artist’s Statement at a glance with this handy Quick-Start Guide.

  • two fabric emblems with magnetic-mounting technology

  • A folding display mat with magnetic-mounting technology.

    Useful for a number of different Applications.

  • 6 inch Steel Hanging Wire

this disconnect makes me feel uneasy

I remember when i was younger and my dad would sometimes let me play games on his phone.

Looking back, the screen was tiny and the games were simple, but in the moment it also felt magical. 

I was completely engrossed and engaged and it was with something as simple as Solitaire. 

This series reflects my journey backward to find that magic again. 

It feels like so much of life today is trying to remove the physical interaction from things, turning experience into a virtual one that’s timeless, location-less, and without without definite form. I believe some of the magic comes from holding a work of art and interfacing with it directly, developing a connection with it instead of just staring through it. That’s why these tablets are meant to be touched and understood not just viewed as images but also as objects: rough textures, activated edges, and all. 

While the symbols, images, and forms are simple and were sourced from the devices and internet, the interplay between them (rough texture juxtaposing glossy layers, large shapes with hard edges and activated brushstrokes, figurative representation framed by symbols that expand or flatten) creates a chaotically-dense space beneath the surface. It creates a space that resists the concept of a singular global perspective or orientation. A space that’s neither past, present, nor future, but all at once. A space to simultaneously assimilate and isolate.

A space to represent that chaotic and wonderful hyper-realm we call The Internet and the mediums we use to connect.